I can't believe it has been two months since my last post. Well in case you are wondering, Aidan is doing better sleeping through the night. I can't say he is sleeping through the night every night, but some nights he does and some he doesn't and I think I am just use to it. I just really take advantage of the nights he is with Brett and I sleep soundly through the night.
Well work is going well. It is keeping me very very busy during the day and some nights as well. But I am really enjoying what I am doing and actually just glad to have a job that pays the bills.
Aidan is doing great. He is 2 1/2 and I just cannot believe how much he is talking. He is talking in sentences and can repeat anything I say. I can actually have a conversation with him. MOST of the time it is very fun. But sometimes I have to say, I just want him to be quiet just for a minute. I know, I know it only gets worse, but I really am enjoying this age. He seems to really enjoy school. He has a little girlfriend named "Kat". She is adorable and they spend all of their time together. So Monday night I am putting Aidan to bed and I say Its time to go night night because you have to get up for school and AIdan says "No, I did it already"...I laughed forever thinking if only I can say on a monday night No work tomorrow, I did it already this week.
I have so many funny Aidanisms. I will have to try to post some of them later. He is surely the comedian.
My mom is doing very well. She is on a chemo that does not make her sick. A little tired, but not sick. This is the best she has felt in almost 6 months. Aidan had spring break last week so I worked from home for a couple of days and my mom came over to play with Aidan as I had several conference calls (don't conference calls sound so grown-up...I'm too young to have conference calls) anywho, they played and played and played. It was sooo nice having Granny around. Aidan couldn't get enough of her.
Well thats all for now. Now that I am on Facebook so much, I forget about the blogging.
About Me
- Maria R.
- Dallas, Texas
- This blog seems to be easier to update than my website. So I created this one instead. Hopefully, I can keep it updated a little more. Aidan, my son, is almost a year old and I am thankful for him everyday, even when he doesn't obey me. He is a terrific little guy. He keeps me happy.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Need Aidan help
Aidan has been in a toddler bed for about a month. In that month he has slept through the night one time. He gets up at least two times and comes in my room. I can say go back to bed and he will but usually wants me to come in there and cover him up or give him a hug etc. EVERY mornng at 6:30AM (this is in addition to the other two times in the night he comes in my room) and I let him in bed with me until 7:00ish until we are ready to get out of bed for the day. So needless to say a good nights sleep has not happened in a while.
Any ideas on how to get him to sleep through the night in his own bed. Brett says I need to lock him in his room, but that just seems so cruel. Is that what I have to do?
Any ideas on how to get him to sleep through the night in his own bed. Brett says I need to lock him in his room, but that just seems so cruel. Is that what I have to do?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thanksgiving and catching up!
I know its been a long while since the last post. I have been waiting for some pictures and now that I have them I don't want to use them cuz they are great xmas presents, so I don't want any family members to see them yet. HA! But I will post some very soon of the family and Aidan.
Thanksgiving my brother and his wife and kids came down and stayed with me in the new house. It was fantastic. I loved playing hostess. Aidan still wakes up every morning saying "TJ Kayla" Those are his cousins. They are 7 and 8. Very fun kids and they played very well with Aidan. Of course he got on their nerves some, but he is two, what can you expect. It was so great to see my brother and to catch up and my brother was really interested in seeing my mom and spending time with them.
Brian, Allyson, Brett and I went to the Thanksgiving game while Granny and Grandad stayed home with the grandkids. That was fun and the weather was nice. My brother was like a little kid in a candy store seeing all of the cowboys fans. When we got home we found out that my dad fell in the backyard and hit a rock while playing outside with the kids. He had a black eye and it was red all over as well because he skinned it so bad. We felt horrible and he is not allowed to go outside anymore with the kids :)
We ate a lot food and just had some good family time. I was sad to see them go but can't wait until the next time we are all together again.
Aidan is doing good in school. It is hard to get him to want to leave there everyday, so I take that as a good sign. He pushes me out the door in the morning when I drop him off as well. So I think he might like it. He is funny.
Work is good. My new bosses all work on the east coast and everyone on my team works from home so I have been working from home more and more. It is nice to only have to get Aidan ready for school and I can stay in my sweats then come home and work. I still go into the office a lot but not everyday so it is nice.
Brett had a conference in Orlando this past weekend, so I went with him and did nothing. I layed out by the pool for 5 hours on Saturday and we went to two nice dinners. It was very nice to get away and mom and dad had a great time watching Aidan. My mom has the special touch with getting Aidan to go to bed on time. I am still working on that one.
Take care everyone.
Thanksgiving my brother and his wife and kids came down and stayed with me in the new house. It was fantastic. I loved playing hostess. Aidan still wakes up every morning saying "TJ Kayla" Those are his cousins. They are 7 and 8. Very fun kids and they played very well with Aidan. Of course he got on their nerves some, but he is two, what can you expect. It was so great to see my brother and to catch up and my brother was really interested in seeing my mom and spending time with them.
Brian, Allyson, Brett and I went to the Thanksgiving game while Granny and Grandad stayed home with the grandkids. That was fun and the weather was nice. My brother was like a little kid in a candy store seeing all of the cowboys fans. When we got home we found out that my dad fell in the backyard and hit a rock while playing outside with the kids. He had a black eye and it was red all over as well because he skinned it so bad. We felt horrible and he is not allowed to go outside anymore with the kids :)
We ate a lot food and just had some good family time. I was sad to see them go but can't wait until the next time we are all together again.
Aidan is doing good in school. It is hard to get him to want to leave there everyday, so I take that as a good sign. He pushes me out the door in the morning when I drop him off as well. So I think he might like it. He is funny.
Work is good. My new bosses all work on the east coast and everyone on my team works from home so I have been working from home more and more. It is nice to only have to get Aidan ready for school and I can stay in my sweats then come home and work. I still go into the office a lot but not everyday so it is nice.
Brett had a conference in Orlando this past weekend, so I went with him and did nothing. I layed out by the pool for 5 hours on Saturday and we went to two nice dinners. It was very nice to get away and mom and dad had a great time watching Aidan. My mom has the special touch with getting Aidan to go to bed on time. I am still working on that one.
Take care everyone.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Elmo Live and Dolphins Game
Well it has been a busy month for us. Took Aidan to see Elmo live. Pictures below. (Sorry for the head tilt picture) It was in Abilene so took a little road trip. It was well worth it. Elmo put on a fantastic show. You can see how much Aidan loved it and was clapping the entire time. It was a fun day. I recommend any Elmo/Sesame street fans out there to go!!
Then I moved into my new house. I am now in a house with a backyard and a "playroom" for Aidan. I have taken over his play room for now until I get more furniture, but it has a lot more space for us to spread out and not walk on top of each other. I am enjoying it very much. It will be a while before I get it completely decorated and furnished the way I like it, but it is fun.
Then this past weekend we drove down to Houston for the Texans/Dolphins game. It was a fun day with the exception of the Dolphins losing. Fun game, but bad bad ending. I was so disappointed. Aidan had a great time. He cheered for the home team mostly, but would say "go dolphins" too! I was so proud! Another long roadtrip, but Aidan did great, he always does.
Other than that, things are normal here. To my long lost friend from South Miami...I am updating just for you :)
Oh, I am walking this weekend in the Susan Goman Walk for the Cure. I signed up in honor of my mom (who is doing very well right now). Let me know if you live in Dallas and want to walk with me.
Have a great week.

Then I moved into my new house. I am now in a house with a backyard and a "playroom" for Aidan. I have taken over his play room for now until I get more furniture, but it has a lot more space for us to spread out and not walk on top of each other. I am enjoying it very much. It will be a while before I get it completely decorated and furnished the way I like it, but it is fun.
Then this past weekend we drove down to Houston for the Texans/Dolphins game. It was a fun day with the exception of the Dolphins losing. Fun game, but bad bad ending. I was so disappointed. Aidan had a great time. He cheered for the home team mostly, but would say "go dolphins" too! I was so proud! Another long roadtrip, but Aidan did great, he always does.
Other than that, things are normal here. To my long lost friend from South Miami...I am updating just for you :)
Oh, I am walking this weekend in the Susan Goman Walk for the Cure. I signed up in honor of my mom (who is doing very well right now). Let me know if you live in Dallas and want to walk with me.
Have a great week.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Aidan is HUGE!
I took Aidan to the doctor on Friday for his two year check up. The first funny thing was I took off his clothes for the exam and then decided to give him a fresh diaper so he was standing there naked and the nurse opened to door to have Aidan leave to get weighed. So my little man runs out in the hallway in his cute little birthday suite to get his weight. SOOO FUNNY. I wish I had a camera. Aidan was in such a good mood that morning. He layed down for the doctor to do the exam, he smiled and said hi to everyone. Then I had to take him to get his blood taken and I thought okay here we go, he is going to start screaming, but nope, he just sat in my lap while the nurses took his blood and didn't make a peep. The nurses were so amazed by him as was I. He really is unpredictable on how he will act, but these times when he is in such a good mood makes life so easy.
So, about Aidan being huge. He weighs 34.6 lbs, 37" long. Over 95th percentile for both which they say is off the charts. So I have a big boy on my hands. That would be the reason I can not carry him around a lot. The kid is heavy.
So, about Aidan being huge. He weighs 34.6 lbs, 37" long. Over 95th percentile for both which they say is off the charts. So I have a big boy on my hands. That would be the reason I can not carry him around a lot. The kid is heavy.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I cried at daycare!
Well the dreaded time has come and I am looking for a daycare for Aidan. We, in my household, call it preschool, because it is just so much easier to bare those words. I have known for a few months that the current babysitter will be going back to college and her schedule was not going to work for my work schedule, so I was tasked with finding Aidan a new place to go. Also, after reviewing my budget, it was clear, I was paying way too much for a nanny/babysitter.
Sidenote: I probably would have tried to figure something out with her schedule if I was not moving into a new house....YEAH ME! More later on the house stuff.
So, I made appts for Brett and I to visit a preschool that came highly recommended last week. So, we go in (without Aidan) and the director walks us around and we get to the room that Aidan would be in and the children are all sitting around a couple of tables eating their lunch that was prepared for them by the cafferia. My emotions just took the best of me, and I started to get teary eyed. Then we walked a little bit more and the director kept talking and it was all I could do to not burst out in tears boohooing. (Sara, the tears were streaming down my face). It was so funny, cuz I tried so hard to fight them and then I just decided to let loose so I could feel better. Brett explained my emotions to the lady and one of the teachers saw me crying through the window and brought me tissues. (I liked her). So, deedless to say, that was a hard day and we are not choosing that place.
The next day, we went to a montessori school. I walked in and no tears at all. Asked a lot of questions, felt so comfortable. Brett was there also and when we walked, I said "I LOVE that place" and he said "I HATE that place" and we both laughed because I thought he loved it and he thought i hated it. It was a priceless moment. But he talked to a good friend that sent her kids there and he now has another opinion about the school and he also said "I am fine with it because it didn't make you cry" I thought that was sweet.
So, Aidan goes in for an evaluation on tuesday morning. I hope it is nothing except for them to meet him and realize he is the best child ever and maybe they will pay me for him to go to school there. Okay, now I am going a little overboard, but I'm a mom.
We have another place to try tomorrow. A Child Develpment Center near my office. I will let everyone know if I cry or not.
Have a great night.
Oh P.S. Please keep remembering my mom in your prayers. She was starting to feel better and get her energy back, and last night she had a rough night and today she is not doing so great, so please don't stop praying and it is okay to tell God you don't like Cancer. I say it all the time.
Thank you!
Sidenote: I probably would have tried to figure something out with her schedule if I was not moving into a new house....YEAH ME! More later on the house stuff.
So, I made appts for Brett and I to visit a preschool that came highly recommended last week. So, we go in (without Aidan) and the director walks us around and we get to the room that Aidan would be in and the children are all sitting around a couple of tables eating their lunch that was prepared for them by the cafferia. My emotions just took the best of me, and I started to get teary eyed. Then we walked a little bit more and the director kept talking and it was all I could do to not burst out in tears boohooing. (Sara, the tears were streaming down my face). It was so funny, cuz I tried so hard to fight them and then I just decided to let loose so I could feel better. Brett explained my emotions to the lady and one of the teachers saw me crying through the window and brought me tissues. (I liked her). So, deedless to say, that was a hard day and we are not choosing that place.
The next day, we went to a montessori school. I walked in and no tears at all. Asked a lot of questions, felt so comfortable. Brett was there also and when we walked, I said "I LOVE that place" and he said "I HATE that place" and we both laughed because I thought he loved it and he thought i hated it. It was a priceless moment. But he talked to a good friend that sent her kids there and he now has another opinion about the school and he also said "I am fine with it because it didn't make you cry" I thought that was sweet.
So, Aidan goes in for an evaluation on tuesday morning. I hope it is nothing except for them to meet him and realize he is the best child ever and maybe they will pay me for him to go to school there. Okay, now I am going a little overboard, but I'm a mom.
We have another place to try tomorrow. A Child Develpment Center near my office. I will let everyone know if I cry or not.
Have a great night.
Oh P.S. Please keep remembering my mom in your prayers. She was starting to feel better and get her energy back, and last night she had a rough night and today she is not doing so great, so please don't stop praying and it is okay to tell God you don't like Cancer. I say it all the time.
Thank you!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Aidan's birthday and our trip to Philly
My parents were there and my mom said it was a day she will never forget. We had a small get together at Brett's place and then went to the mall. Aidan rode the horrssse. It is his new word, so of course we have to ride the thing. He likes to go around and try to spot Brett and wave really big for the camera.
It really was a great day!
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