About Me

Dallas, Texas
This blog seems to be easier to update than my website. So I created this one instead. Hopefully, I can keep it updated a little more. Aidan, my son, is almost a year old and I am thankful for him everyday, even when he doesn't obey me. He is a terrific little guy. He keeps me happy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm moving

Okay, maybe it is just me not updating enough and not the difficulty of the blog itself. It is just much easier to blame it on something else isn't it?

Well, I finally found a new place. I am moving beginning of October. I have wanted to move out of this place for a while for many reasons and spent a couple of weekends and many hours on the internet searching for what I want. I wanted a newer complex, in a fun/safe area, easily accessible from my car etc. I found an apartment in Addison. Right by the galleria. It is nice and I am really looking forward to moving. My only problem will be stopping myself from buying things for it. But I will be disciplined. As long as Aidan and I have a place to sleep and a tv/dvd/books then we will be fine. I make it sound like I have no furniture. That is far from it. I have so much stuff (all from my moms resale shop) that I want to get rid of some stuff and start over with all of my own taste.

So that is going to keep me busy for the next couple of months. I am throwing away ALL MY JUNK. Next move I want to be able to pack up within a weekend if I need to. There is no reason for all the junk I have. I want to have a garage sale, but I have never had one before.

Aidan is doing Great! He is saying da da and crawling just about every where. Still no desire to walk. He still has the best laugh I have ever heard. He has eight teeth right now. Still can't figure out food for him yet. Loves his baby food and that is about it. When I have to take his bottle/formula away next month I don't know what I am going to do. Going to make for some long days.

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