About Me

Dallas, Texas
This blog seems to be easier to update than my website. So I created this one instead. Hopefully, I can keep it updated a little more. Aidan, my son, is almost a year old and I am thankful for him everyday, even when he doesn't obey me. He is a terrific little guy. He keeps me happy.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

It was a very special day for a special litte guy. We ate sandwhiches while Aidan played and then we sang happy birthday and gave him a cupcake. He did not dig in like I thought he might, but he tasted it and did not like it. So in order to get the picture of cake all over his face like I wanted, I just smeared some on his face. It was funny. The kid just does not eat like a normal child. But he got lots of books and a few toys and his very genorous grandparents gave him money for his college fund. I am so glad they are nearby to spend this day with us. Aidan is a very loved little boy. Especially by his mom :)
I will post more pics later.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Very fun. Can't wait to see how much he has grown.